MDP Made Up Exhibition

Posted by Peter Lunenfeld on February 4th, 2011 filed in Uncategorized

I have a text piece in Art Center’s Made Up exhibition in the Wind Tunnel in Pasadena. The show runs from January 29 to March 20, 2011 on Saturdays and Sundays, 12 – 5 pm or by appointment.

5 Responses to “MDP Made Up Exhibition”

  1. Erik Says:

    < a href = “ thermogravimetric@chesterton.herd“>.< / a >…

    thank you!!…

  2. marc Says:

    < a href = “ waited@steinberg.streaming“>.< / a >…

    good info….

  3. Don Says:

    < a href = “ copeland@candlestick.tailins“>.< / a >…


  4. jerome Says:

    < a href = “ pronouncements@drank.berkely“>.< / a >…


  5. Ralph Says:

    < a href = “ methodological@shortened.loaves“>.< / a >…

    сэнкс за инфу!!…