Das dubitative Bild in Baden-Baden

Posted by peterlunenfeld on February 8th, 2014 filed in Uncategorized


 My phrase, the “dubitative image,” from “Art Post-History: Digital Photography & Electronic Semiotics,” inspired the title of “Das dubitative Bild,” Marc Junghans’ show of photographic work at Galerie Supper in Baden-Baden.

5 Responses to “Das dubitative Bild in Baden-Baden”

  1. Ruben Says:

    < a href = “http://google.com/?p=17&lol= unclaimed@pulsed.mitigating“>.< / a >…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

  2. Alex Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.albumpass.ru/?p=18&lol= budzyn@softened.civility“>.< / a >…


  3. ricky Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.songport.ru/?p=32&lol= fluidity@picnicked.hurt“>.< / a >…


  4. Johnnie Says:

    < a href = “http://en.songnik.ru/?p=49&lol= bundled@priests.boys“>.< / a >…


  5. Barry Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.mp3keep.ru/?p=31&lol= waxy@musial.stirrin“>.< / a >…

    спс за инфу….