Posted by peterlunenfeld on December 24th, 2020 filed in Uncategorized
“The 2020 L.A. Taco Book Guide: 32 L.A.-Centered Books to Read, Gift, and Get Inspired On” featured City at the Edge of Forever: “Lunenfeld’s essays reimagine Los Angeles, ‘creating a series of internal connections between the disparate, but also around common themes.’ Art, architecture, and design are at the center but literary, and entertainment histories overlap as a wide array of extratextual references pepper the narrative from Cabrillo’s 1542 arrival in California to the Kogi Truck to former LAPD Police Chief Daryl Gates to Dia de Los Muertos. Some of the obscure esoteric stories shared within these pages make the book fascinating, from Sandstone’s erotic utopia to the aerospace industry’s secret history. Lunenfeld knows where many of the bodies are buried, and a few of them are mapped in these pages.”